Astronomy,  Side


Astronomy is a science dicipline that studies comets, planets and orbital celestial bodies in physical and chemical way.

The word astronomy consists of the words astron and nomes and means “Law of the Stars”.

Hubble Telescope
Istakoz bulutsusu

lobster nebula

Subjects of Astronomy

  • Birth of the stars
  • Meteor, meteroids, asteroids, planets, satellites
  • Nucleosynthesis:”Nucleosynthesis, daha önceden varolan çekirdek parçacıklarından, esasen proton ve nötronlardan, yeni atomik çekirdeklerin oluşturulması sürecidir.”
  • Celestial Mechanics
  • Constellations
  • Quasars
  • Blackholes
  • Astrometry: Calculation of star’s and celestial body’s locations.

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