• Book,  Physics

    Warped Passages- Lisa Randall

    Lisa Randall, who holds the title of Professor of Science at Harvard University, has written articles in cosmology and theoretical particle physics in many journals. As a result of their work with Raman Sundrum, they proposed solving the hierarchy problem with a new high-dimensional mechanism. It took the name “Randal-Sundrum Model”.We have entered a new era in physics with additional dimensions of the universe, dice, and string theory. We discovered the warping of spacetime with special relativity. Quantum physics has allowed us to dig deeper into particles and open our eyes to a universe full of uncertainties by showing how scales and the way we understand the universe can change.…

  • Book,  Front,  Physics

    Quantum in 101 Questions

    Quantum is a field that contradicts our common sense and has misconceptions about it. Quantum physics can be called an effort to understand the source of answers for which we do not know the reasons for facts that seem very strange to us. For example, we know the periodic table, but why the periodic table terminates can be explained by quantum physics. “Quantum in 101 Questions”; It tells the right known wrongs with questions and the spin, standard model, interactions, probabilities and waves. A brief summary of quantum physics.

  • Book,  Physics

    The Fabric Of The Cosmos

    Absolutist and relativistic position, gravity, wave and particle, expansion of the universe, redshift, entropy, quantum, nothingness, higgs, inflation, string theory, uncertainty, membrane, dark matter, dark energy and more are all connected and you can understand with your imagination. It is described by Brian Greene. A web of knowledge for a thoroughly basic understanding of universe time and string theory topics.

  • Book,  Physics

    A Strange Theory of Light and Matter

    Have you ever wondered, ‘Why does the angle of reflection equal the angle of incidence’ or ‘Why does light always “prefer” the shortest path?’. In fact, this rule that we all know is a question that we do not know why. The answer is, as Feynman explains in the book, the probabilities of the paths required for the light to reach a point and the result of the probability arrows. In summary, since the angles other than the angle of reflection and incidence are of the same length and opposite directions, as seen in the arrows, they cancel each other, and the angles of reflection and incidence having equal backward…

  • Book,  Physics

    Intersteller-Kip Thorne

    Interstellar is a book which stands out with its scientific realism in the subjects such as black holes, relativity, gravitational aberrations. A film in which people’s hopes conflict with science, and in the end of the world scenario, in which people move away from science and lose their faith in science, it is a warning to us as well as an important source for understanding many things scientifically and for distinguishing true and false information. In the book, the effort made to make each of the events in the movie conform to reality is shown by showing black holes and wormholes in 3D, and the black hole and interplanetary distance…

  • Physics

    Quantum Gravity Research – What is Reality?

    Emergence Theory Emergence theory is the first unified quantum gravity theory that has been currently developing by team of scientists centered in Los Angeles . Emergence Theory combines quantum mechanics, special relativity, standart model and other main physics theories with a general view of universe. “What is Reality” explains clues for theory of everything and seven facts that the theory must contain 1.Information “Reality is information” Information is formed by meaning. We assign meaning to a shape and form information. This meaning is the product of our perspective as a result of comparison with something else. It is therefore subjective and requires selection.And for this information to exist, a sensor,…