• Book,  Cosmology,  Front,  Side

    Warped Passeges – Lisa Randall

    Lisa Randall, a professor of science at Harvard University, has written articles in cosmology and theoretical particle physics in many journals. As a result of their work with Raman Sundrum, they proposed to solve the problem of hierarchy with a new high-dimensional mechanism. It was named “Randal-Sundrum Model”. We have entered a new era in physics with additional dimensions of the universe, branes, string theory. We discovered space-time bending with special relativity. Quantum physics allowed us to go deeper into the particles and open our eyes to a universe filled with uncertainties by showing how the scales and the way we understand our universe can change Now we are going…

  • Astronomy,  Side


    Astronomy is a science dicipline that studies comets, planets and orbital celestial bodies in physical and chemical way. The word astronomy consists of the words astron and nomes and means “Law of the Stars”. Subjects of Astronomy Birth of the stars Meteor, meteroids, asteroids, planets, satellites Nucleosynthesis:”Nucleosynthesis, daha önceden varolan çekirdek parçacıklarından, esasen proton ve nötronlardan, yeni atomik çekirdeklerin oluşturulması sürecidir.” Celestial Mechanics Constellations Quasars Blackholes Astrometry: Calculation of star’s and celestial body’s locations.